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Welcome back to The MinnMax Show! On this week's episode, Ben Hanson, Sarah Podzorski, Jeff Marchiafava, and Leo Vader talk about the biggest games on their backlog and what it was like to finally get around to playing it. We talk about Shadow of the Colossus, Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes, Gravity Rush 2, and the original Deus Ex. We also talk about some new games like Nintendo Switch Sports, Rogue Legacy 2, and The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe! Then we answer some wonderful questions submitted on Patreon!

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To jump to a particular discussion, check out the timestamps below...

00:00:00 - Intro

00:05:27 - Shadow of the Colossus

00:17:07 - Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes

00:28:45 - Gravity Rush 2

00:34:55 - Deus Ex

00:43:47 - Rogue Legacy 2

00:50:21 - Nintendo Switch Sports

00:57:11 - The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe

01:01:31 - Thanking MinnMax's biggest supporters

01:05:18 - Community questions

01:54:17 - Get A Load Of This

Sarah's GALOT - https://twitter.com/rudeism/status/1520874547205271553?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcam[…]om%2F23055465%2Ffisher-price-controller-mod-hardware-elden-ring

Hanson's GALOT - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ub_Iwerks

JeffM's GALOT - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJ-ehbVQYxI

Community GALOT - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nH_bEtbfB9U

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SDailey - Fallout 4

Mattmini2008 - NASCAR 06: Total Team Control

Jawarhello - Crash Bash

MiserNomer - Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker

Drew Waranis - Space Harrier

ClemensZobel - Jade Empire

Fred - Tetris 99

Jesse Spencer - Ni No Kuni

ProcyonNumber6 - Sly 2: Band of Thieves!

DominicCichocki - Life is Strange 2

Andres Silva - Dark Cloud

Patrick Polk - Super Puzzle Fighter II X For Matching Service

Spider_Dan - Illusion of Gaia

Brett Hunter - Super Mario 64

Zachary Pligge - Superman 64



I'm still loving Sarah playing Elden Ring!

Saint947 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-01 06:10:05 To the guy who was unimpressed with Shadow of the Colossus: This is a game that lives and dies in the New Game + and elevated difficulty modes. The higher difficulties are not just damage sponging on the part of the boss, but involve engaging with all the colossi on a more adventurous level. Seriously, playing on Normal is basically 20% of the game in terms of boss features and attacks, *items* (Think explosive arrows), and exploration to be had. The soundtrack alone is worth multiple playthroughs-! You guys rock. -Saint947 PS. Kyle, bb, please bring back Gaming Ride Home™️ <3<3, no, don’t say it’s up to the ride home network. Be the hero that snackable (ohhh yeah gimme that marketing dirty talk) video game journalism needs.
2022-05-05 04:18:32 To the guy who was unimpressed with Shadow of the Colossus: This is a game that lives and dies in the New Game + and elevated difficulty modes. The higher difficulties are not just damage sponging on the part of the boss, but involve engaging with all the colossi on a more adventurous level. Seriously, playing on Normal is basically 20% of the game in terms of boss features and attacks, *items* (Think explosive arrows), and exploration to be had. The soundtrack alone is worth multiple playthroughs-! You guys rock. -Saint947 PS. Kyle, bb, please bring back Gaming Ride Home™️ <3<3, no, don’t say it’s up to the ride home network. Be the hero that snackable (ohhh yeah gimme that marketing dirty talk) video game journalism needs.

To the guy who was unimpressed with Shadow of the Colossus: This is a game that lives and dies in the New Game + and elevated difficulty modes. The higher difficulties are not just damage sponging on the part of the boss, but involve engaging with all the colossi on a more adventurous level. Seriously, playing on Normal is basically 20% of the game in terms of boss features and attacks, *items* (Think explosive arrows), and exploration to be had. The soundtrack alone is worth multiple playthroughs-! You guys rock. -Saint947 PS. Kyle, bb, please bring back Gaming Ride Home™️ <3<3, no, don’t say it’s up to the ride home network. Be the hero that snackable (ohhh yeah gimme that marketing dirty talk) video game journalism needs.


I've been hitting my backlog lately since I've haven't bought a new 2022 title since Horizon Forbidden West. I'm currently working through the Splinter Cell games. The only one I haven't played or beaten is Double Agent.