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On this week’s episode of our Patreon-exclusive podcast Party Chat, we talk about…

- Thor: Love And Thunder's trailer

- Everything Everywhere All At Once

- MinnMax's schedule

- Survivor

If you want to join the Party Chat every single week and talk to us about what you’ve been playing, watching, or ask any question under the sun, jump up to the MinnMax Council tier! We’d love to hear from you. Party Chat is recorded each week in the Discord, there’s a Stage called MinnMax Party Chat. You’ll see it if you join the $20 tier. Jump in there and you’ll be good to go. Let us know if you have any questions!



It would be funny if you had Suriel pre-make each of the meals, and then when Janet and Leo are done, Suriel can pretend to reach off screen like he's taking the meal from each of them and then testing it out. (Just kidding but I thought it was a funny idea)


I'm here for the survivor talk! There are dozens of us!