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This week for community questions on the podcast, we'll have Ben Hanson, Kyle Hilliard, Jeff Marchiafava, and Janet Garcia. It's your turn to make the show better by leaving a question, BetterQuest goal, or anything else for us to read on the show as a comment below! We’ll choose our favorite and iam8bit will ship out a great prize for the winner! We'll stop pulling questions around 10am Central on Wednesday.

On this week’s episode we’ll be talking about...

- Tunic

- Ghostwire: Tokyo preview

- Xbox's indie games

- Triangle Strategy

- What's happening at Square-Enix?

Everybody at the Backstage Pass tier can watch us record the show live, with an exclusive pre and post show on Wednesday. You could do us a favor by subscribing to the audio version of the podcast on iTunes or your favorite podcast app, telling a friend, leaving a review, and subscribing to our YouTube channel!





Wow I can't believe how busy my game catalogue is going to be. Between Horizon Forbidden West, Kirby Forgotten Land, Chrono Cross Radical Dreamers Edition, Far Changing Tides and Rune Factory 5. I think my gaming log is booked for months. Is it just me or is 2022 shaping up to best year of gaming since 2017? Or is it a year that's just hitting my taste?


Hi Ben and CLC’s, I’m looking for CHAOS. Have you seen CHAOS? I need to kill CHAOS. On a serious note, thanks for all the pods and streams you’ve been pushing out, and I’ll say it again, the interviews have been phenomenal keep it up! - Brett


It's been great seeing Ben and Sarah playing through Elden Ring over the past few weeks. I've played a lot of FromSoftware games, but having this as my first experience at launch, playing along with the MinnMax discord community has been very fun and special. My question is, is there an older FromSoftware title that you missed or only put a few hours into that you want to go back and play once you're finished with Elden Ring? I know Sarah's upcoming Bloodborne playthrough this Halloween is being looked forward to by many.

Josh LaBaw

I just traveled for my first time since becoming a dad. I had the Switch all packed up for some quality RPG time. Couldn't play one minute with a toddler in tow. Please indulge me with your favorite tale of getting on the other side of TSA & being taken to a new digital land while physically being taken to a new place.


Hey! I decided to give Black Mesa a try after hearing Kyle mention it on the pod a few weeks back. I rolled credits on it tonight and had an absolute blast the whole time. I know it's not a hot topic but I'm curious what the cohorts think about that classic style of linear fps and if they have any suggestions for must-plays in that genre


Got a missed joke opportunity from last week: almost right after discussing the weird names of Square Enix games, you talked about Stranger of Paradise and Ben asked about "the arc of sentiment" of that game, and someone should have said: The arc of sentiment - I think Square showed that at the last State of Play..


Hi MinnMax, Are you satisfied with the item rewards in Elden Ring? There are a lot of unique items in the game, but since they have to accommodate so many different character builds I often find myself picking up a ton of items I will never use or equip. This is much different from other open world games where you play as a defined character and everything placed in the world is specifically for you.


Hi MinnMax, I am still alive and more westward in Lviv after seven days in Kyiv. Still debating on whether to leave the country. Kyiv still stands and the Ukrainian Army is absolutely kicking ass. With that being said, it's still absolutely devastating what has happened in Ukraine these past couple of weeks. Thousands of innocent people dead and countless buildings destroyed. several cities in the east of Ukraine are encircled by Russian troops and supplies are running low with no opportunities to get people what they need or even evacuate them. No question here, really, just wanted to give an update on the situation and let you know I love you folks.


*BETTERQUEST UPDATE* My first ever goal for BetterQuest last year was to make pixel art. This year I get to share some of my pixel art in a group exhibition in London. Just wanted to say I'm grateful for that little nudge and accountability from the BetterQuest community.


Hello All! What do you guys do with your pocket change? Save? Spend immediately? What about those pesky pennies? I was shocked when my wife said she never saves pennies. She used to throw them in the garbage! Her reasoning was that they weren't worth saving because they're only worth 1cent. She was literally throwing her money away! Love all the content and hope you're all doing well! Thanks!


Long time listener, first time writing in, love the show, yadda yadda. 2014 seems to be universally reviled as one of the worst years for video game releases, but 2014 saw the release of Bayonetta 2 Divinity: Original Sin Mario Kart 8 Shovel Knight Super Smash Bros 4 Sunset Overdrive Ground Zeroes (The best Metal Gear game) Hearthstone Transistor Jazzpunk and Threes All of these games are great, but none of them "fit the mold". When Game of the Year came around, almost every outlet chose between Dragon Age: Inquisition or Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor, two mediocre games which nonetheless fit the genre description for what outlets looked for in a Game of the Year. My question is: why is the range of genres that can win Game of the Year so incredibly narrow? Thanks for reading. (I think patreon deleted my previous comment. Sorry if this is a duplicate.)


Sorry but I got delayed submitting my question. Speaking of delays, which game did you pick up a while after it came out and thoroughly enjoyed because of the polish it accrued because of time? For me, it was Diablo 3. I heard it was a mess at launch but by the time I jumped in, it was so so so good! Cheers from Toronto Canada R0CK3T5YNT5T aka Keith(Rocket Scientist)