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We hope you all have been enjoying MinnMax's content so far, there's a lot more on the way. I've been creating Patreon posts for all of our main content like MinnFAQs on Mondays, voting for The Great GOTY Hunt, or The MinnMax Show podcast, but I'd love to get a better idea of how many updates you'd prefer on Patreon. I don't want to spam your inbox with notifications, but I also don't want you all to miss any bonus YouTube content at youtube.com/minnmaxgames.

Please vote below on whether you want an update on Patreon when we post any content (notifications be damned) or if you'd prefer to check out our YouTube channel for bonus videos to keep things clean.

This week we'll have some fun bonus content, the reveal of one of our new shows, and more! Oh, and here are some YouTube videos you might have missed...

How We Built The MinnMax Studio - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvJpNJFNfc8

Star Wars 1313: Let's Take Another Look At That - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L52hmGD-fqg

Our Reaction To Half-Life: Alyx's Reveal Trailer - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbX8wiYDHlw

Thanks again for all of your support!
- Ben Hanson



Yeah I don’t pay too much attention to my YouTube since if I did I get blasted with so many updates from the years of random subscriptions I’ve made. Patreon seems easier for me to keep up since this app is basically the minnmax app for me.


I want my phone to crash from all the notifications


It's very easy to ignore the stuff I dont care about like Twilight Zone, but It ensures I don't miss anything I am interested in.


How about the middle ground? Provide individual notifications for the main shows and a weekly "in case you missed it" summary email that includes everything else.


Tim Holt's got the right idea!


Patreon is a salty one for me cause I keep forgetting I need to check it for new content, so having a mix of content around the web is mega cool for me personally. However, all things considered, I remember it's a one stop shop a la Macy's and I am down like the Wall of Berlin. Keep up the great work!

Leafeonn (Josh K)

Youtube is pretty bad with notifications since they try to send you what they think is relevant and might not notify you if you havent watched that channel in a week or two. I would say still post everything on patreon.


As long as you keep doing what you have been. Im all in!


Maximum notifications. I have spoken. This is the way.


I think y’all should do what supports y’all the most in the M2nMx’s (doubt that sticks) infancy. The exposure might be more helpful. I personally am enjoying the excitement of watching it all grow. Shout out to Michigan!


I like how each new piece of content is posted in Discord under #announcements. That seems like the right spot because your most dedicated viewers will probably be in Discord with notifications turned on for #announcements.


All the notices of new content make me feel like I’m getting my money’s worth 🤣