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A bit late? Still on time? Either way enjoy the deer tiddies! ;3

Thank you all for being so supportive this past year, I realized a lot of my issues with art are caused by a lack of practice on fundamental concepts so it's my resolution to start making efforts towards that, seriously start improving the quality of my work and to continue creating cute lewds for you guys to enjoy~

Seriously the fact I'm able to continue creating art like this is all thanks to you, so once again thank you all so much, and I hope 2020 will be amazing for all of you as well! <3



Jay Paterson

Happy Nude Deer to you too, Alfa!


Yay! Love to see some family bonding, and it's fine Doe, you will always be the favorite of many, including myself =D


Oh, also Happy New Year to you as well Alfa xD

Warkitten Alpha

Awhh. Don't worry Doe, you're still best girl. Happy New Year!! &lt;3

Nathan Capetillo

The mom's boobs are fine, but I prefer Doe's boobs more. Happy new year to you.

Jim the Otter

C'mon, Doe, where's the happy? 😘

Jim the Otter

After all, this is like comparing a million dollars with a million and two dollars. Sure, one is more, but...


Dow is still the best to me she got just the right kind of bust that’s not too much to handle so beautiful

bradley feckner

I kinda wanna meet dad doe now


That does raise questions on what is the make-up of Doe's family.


wonder if this means we'll see more of them "together" this year~


I think both have big ones


I don't know, they both seem 20/20 to me! need to check closely, for science!