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This stupid stock pic is floating around twitter today and Jordyn tagged me. Some of y'all wanted to see  some stupid extra stuff so here ya go :p



Steve Korup

That's a Great shot of Braden and Max, I can just imagine Max getting beat once again by the Master Braden. the first thing i did when I saw this was to break out laughing, You got this one Spot on Sir.

Steve Korup

hey, you're doing Fantastic and I'm sure you can tell we all Love it and You! :)

Michael C Nortz

I do love it. I feel this could actually happen where he gets mad.


haha. right? when i do goofy shit like this, i actually do want it to be plausible so picking which characters to do what is important. it was the same way with the one where zack is leaning out the window