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Hey all,

Quick post today that I promised to do and a little more backstory for those who are interested.

Above is an additional screen that was placed in the public version of Revamp v0.09.3. I wanted something to sorta signal the end of Part One of the story that differed from the usual chapter endings. I've been pretty honest about that last update that I was really happy how it turned out but also overworked a bit so I was tired by the time I got to the end of the update. I had a few ideas go through my head but nothing really felt right for this screen. I did know that I wanted a splash screen at the end but I didn't know what.  So I launched the update as is and figured I'd go back and add something when it felt right.

Well, after a about a week, I had a late night and started working on some abstract stuff just messing around. Eventually I came up with the above picture-- and a few more and it felt right.

For those of you that played the Patreon release of v0.09, you didn't get a chance to see this, it was added in on the public release so I wanted to share it in this specific tier to draw attention to it. It's not game breaking that you may have missed it. Essentially, I wanted something to drop on the screen at the end while the closing music of Part One was playing and this was the solution. Now as the camera fades to black and the ending music rolls, v0.09.3 fades the above splash screen in before the "to be continued" screen and it just sits there for as long as you want it to. It's a good chance to actually realize this part has some closure to it and things have changed in our story. I also really liked the closing music for Part One and I wanted the reader to have control on how long it plays. If you wanna move quickly because you're a speed clicker, you still can. But if you don't and you want  more cinematic experience, there's that option now.

Also, as a bonus, I'm dropping in the 4k render of this on here as well because it can make a cool wallpaper for anyone that wants it. I'm currently rocking another version of this on my own desktop.




Wouldn't that be another perfect choice for the merch section? I'd definitely order another T-Shirt :-)