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So I wanted to check in and do a more formal post about the current status of Revamp v0.08 so let's jump right in because my last posts and comments have been annoyingly vague this month and I really didn't like that.

Recap: The Original Problem with Status Updates on v0.08

So first, let's recap on what the original problem was with update 8. The original version of the game had updates that prioritized cliffhanger endings while still trying to balance the amount of content each time. As I learned to do more and got more practice, the updates slowly got larger and more complex. Originally, Chapter 4 was split into 3 separate updates based on the demands of the work as well as me trying to learn how to do specific sections of the visuals.

For the revamp, 3 updates is too many. Here on the Patreon, it's common for a lot of people to just sub during an update then drop immediately after. I've also gotten a reputation for making fairly large updates. To me, that made that $5 subscription actually worth more when people did sign up. In contrast, if I put out 3 very small updates back to back, people may sub, pay the $5, and ultimately get a lot less for the donation than what they were used to. That seemed shitty to me. 

So as always, I'd rather error on the side of honesty versus trying to make profits.

So I decided to split Chapter 4 into two updates rather than three. My problem was that I didn't know where to split the updates. I ultimately wanted to keep the cliffhanger attitude we usually see but decided to just split the update based on workload rather than the specific cliffhangers. Many of you have already read the story once so the cliffhanger this time around isn't as important as it was the first time. 

While I originally wanted to split the update at the pervy/respect route choice, I'm actually going to do it before that and push all of that work into the following update (v0.09 ;will be pervy/respect route choice plus cards).

As with many of these updates, I need to be in the right headspace based on what I'm going to have to work on. So it'll feel really good to get v0.08 out and then reset and prep to knock out the massive requirements of v0.09.

Update Status

Ok. Hopefully, that catches everyone up with my silence and lack of updating the actual percentage page on the Patreon this month. So let's jump in and discuss where things actually are right now:


As with most of the revamp, the bulk of the writing is already done and just needs polished with the majority of the work just being organizing the original code into a linear story rather than location based coding statements. All of that is finished so the writing is pretty much at 100% right now.

It's also worth noting and reminding you that I worked the outline for v0.08 and v0.09 together so the bulk of the outlining for v0.09 is already finished as well. I just need to reread and polish it but I already have the nasty coding part mostly sorted I think (I think...)


So I'm working on the CGs for the last scene right now and it's almost complete. I will say that I've entertained another scene after this one that would be short and sorta reflective. I'm not doing it until the game boots tho because I want to see if it's needed. 

We then have to code images in (which takes an hour or two) then start testing and polishing (which takes me forever). Jordyn needs to do image corrections. There's also two new fully original 60fps animations in this update to show off. Image count seems smaller (it's around 200 right now) but if you technically want to factor in the two animations you can include another 220 frames in there as well). So total image count is actually over 400. I'm happy with the animations. They were both done in one day and didn't use any previous static stuff at all-- which means I'm getting better at this and I'm getting faster (which was the whole point of doing easier animations at the beginning of the revamp if you remember). 

Also remember the lower image count is ok in this case because we're able to reuse previous images that I've made in the past-- another reason that I stated the revamp progress would slowly become quicker as I build more of a foundation to build from. The story length is all still there but it's always nice to be able to reuse stuff you've already made rather than having to hand build each update from scratch. But there's some fun stuff in here and some pretty large visual upgrades from what you've seen in the original. 

I'll be sharing more before/after teasers very shortly in the video and slideshow formats like usual.


I'm just gonna drop a note here that music and sounds will still need to be done. Normally I dont start on music and sound effects until all images/writing are done and the game boots and works. I have to be able to see and feel the scene before i can ever try to appropriately code in sounds or determine music. I don't plan a lot of that. I literally play the game in real-time and listen to my gut.

What to Expect

So this next update starts the first half of Chapter 4. As I stated before, It gets cut at a different place than the original so most of this update is setup for the second half of the chapter. But we get tv fight night and we get to pick up with some awkward communication following the ending of chapter 3. Fight Night looks waaaay better than the original and I'm excited to show it off. Plus, depending on your choices, things get a little messy for Zack in the bathroom to let off a little steam in 60fps. 

Release Date: We all know I hate giving dates but if things work out, I may have update v0.08 out this month so stay tuned.



"I literally play the game in real-time and listen to my gut." So a lot of gurgly music with the odd tuba?


Idk how to spell tuba noises so imma just say burh burh burh burh 😂