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It's fucking beautiful outside today and I'm spending some time doing outlining and edits. Join me for coffee? Don't worry if you don't have a mug... I got a few new ones :)


Straight!? Merchandise Teaser 2

Just doing some writing outside and enjoying some morning coffee.



Nothing like a hot, creamy Joe in the splendor of the sun, and who better to share with. Cheers!


Cheers as well. It’s a beautiful day out and I wish I could spend it with all of you


OK, so I want the mug AND the wall art! LOL Coffeehaulic here, and I love that you put the tag-line on the reverse.


i actually took the coffee mug design pretty serious. i like coffee alot as well so it was something that was important to me. I will say there's a regular mug and a tall mug and it won't let me NOT release the tall mug. i'm not a fan of the tall mug design but i have to make both available. if you do get the mug, i'd really recommend going regular tho