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Boom! FREE version drops now.

This ends Chapter 3 of the Revamp and as you can see from the teaser, it has a completely different vibe to it that blows the old version out of the water. Just wait until you see the Chair of Frustration!!

Anywho, don't use old saves and hope you enjoy all the expanded and revised content :)

PC:                                MediaFire          Google Drive      Mega

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Android:                      MediaFire           Google Drive      Mega




Sorry! Where it went from v0.07.1 to v0.07.2 threw me off that it's a new update.


It’s the first number that matters so the next update will be v0.08 . I’m also not great at numbering these things. I’m sure that I’m breaking a rule somewhere 😂

Steve Korup

I just finished this update, and I noticed the changes you made and have to say I Loved it and can't wait for what is Yet to come I know it is only going to getting better as time goes by. Aaryn you're truly a Master, again looking forward to the rest of the Story.


aww, thanks a lot. glad you're still liking it. it's fun knowing people are still engaged in this thing even tho we're revisiting territory we've already walked through