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Edit 11/2: Added Android version

Hey all,

So here's the first Patreon build of the revamp that includes the first few days of the enhanced version of the game. This includes the original free demo plus 245 new CGs and several new music tracks and sounds. 

There's some new additions from the previous rough draft version and a pretty cool vibe to things that I feel like was missing in the earlier parts. Let me know what you think. This version will go FREE in 3 weeks. If you have corrections or typos, the Discord is the fastest way to report them but you can also DM me. I'd prefer if we didn't have typo corrections crowding up the comments below but if you end up posting them there, that's fine, too.

If you didn't see the previous post about the release, there's no way to jump directly to the update so you'll have to replay the first day again but there's now a short cinematic musical intro after the prelude chapter that I really enjoy. Makes the game feel more like a movie.

Also, as always, don't try and load an old save file or things will probably break on you.

I'll drop the Android version as soon as I get it so stay tuned.


PC:            MediaFire             Mega            Google Drive 

MAC:         MediaFire            Mega            Google Drive 

Android:   MediaFire             Mega            Google Drive 




You have made amazing additions. the whole story has a new vibe with the addition of music. I wanna just throw my hands up and sing along


there's a few music tracks that i feel the same way too. I definitely have my favorite so far


Hi Arryn, I just joined. I was "fidreeeoil"on f95zone. My friend and I are doing the end of Chap 5 and hopefully Chap 6 tonight. You're my first Patreon foray or anything like that. Guess I'm joining the modern world. What's next? - hey, you got an Onlyfans (kidding [somewhat]).


Yooo, heya. welcome aboard. Glad to have ya and I'm honored you have faith in me. Feel free to ask questions, send personal messages or post anywhere. I try and respond to every message I get so if you dont' see a response in a few days, reach out again. Sometimes I've had some problems with notifications on here and I miss stuff. Also, there's a discord if you like to talk about the game. Just be sure to tell everyone you're still playing. There's spoiler specific chats