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So this has been something people have been asking about for around a year or more. I've tried to get the time to look into and just never had it. Recently, I was fortunate enough to meet DarkAssassin, who specializes in this and did all the work for me.

I was going to try and have this done for v0.20 but the outcry has been too loud. So here's the official Android port for v0.19.5. I plan to release the Android port, with DarkAssasin's help, along with the Windows and Mac versions moving forward. 

Installation should be pretty simple, just download the APK and install on your Android phone. 

Please note: For iPhone users, I will not be able to do an iPhone port because Apple is too restrictive about their content and I refuse to even argue with them about it.

Download links are below:

Google Drive 





Omg I'm so freakin glad this happen. I had downloaded and finish the game on my phone. It's so convenient. Thank you


I love you so much and darkAssassin for giving me the opportunity to play the game again on my phone because my personal laptop is down right now.


I’m glad you and others are appreciating this. I knew there was a small growing community if people that wanted one but it’s even more rewarding to hear that it’s made the game available while your other hardware is down. Hope you enjoy it ☺️


all my pleasure. I was lucky enough to meet Aaryn to make Android port <3