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So we're back with another edition of the selfies series this month featuring our cuddly little wrestling roommate. I did the set this month and you can expect some solo public vibes using Braden's car. This set will span both August and September with a fair number of pics in the set. First one is free and then sequentially goes into the $1, $5, and $10 tiers for this month as it progresses. Next month will be the same but will not feature a free pic due to Patreon requiring certain content to be behind the pay wall. 

As of the moment, I have no idea how many pics will be in this set. I have about 6 pretty much done right now and that will more than likely finish out this month. I'm really happy with the lighting on these and this is probably one of my favorite Braden pics every. Shoutout to Jordyn for doing some sexy editing skills and  Blayke for helping with the overlays. You guys are always amazing!

Let's just say that Braden gets into this a lot more than I thought he would. Should be a fun set.

There's also an attached version without the social media overlays for those that want it.

These will drop by surprise every couple days over the next two months.

Stay tuned!





Whatever he thinks, glasses fit Braden - more thoughtful - Reflections in the glasses are a very good touch. Congrats for your work!


Nice selfie! Also I just think about Braden's car. Iam a car boy little bit and I love than you did the first ever 6th BMW (or something like that...not sponsorship obviously 😀) without that stupid idrive infotainment system. (If I remember the game correctly 🤔) Good touch for everyone who ever seen any BMW review in that time. (...It's nice car but this display with that stupid roller...blach blach...😀) Was it intensional? Or it was just cg model like that? Sorry maybe Iam too much in the details here 😂 but that situation is kind of fun for somebody who knows what's going on


Mostly just the model used here. I do try and come up with certain reasons for the uses of various models and stuff to make things more interesting and world build a little bit though