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“Then I’m not going to do anything you don’t already want already, so close your eyes and relax.”

The bed bounces playfully as the boy climbs closer to me. He flips his wrist and I feel the same unknown force press my back downward, pushing my ass upwards and closer to him.

“You don’t seem to be putting up too much of a fight.”

“No…” I muttered, my voice cracking embarrassingly. I hear him snicker behind me.

“How are you doing this?” I ask, still confused. “How are you making me move like this?”

"That doesn't matter, all that does is you and me in this moment."” His words are cryptic and part of me likes the mystery--dream or not.

“I haven’t even touched you yet. Would you like to see what else I can do, Zack?” It’s teasing but inviting and respectful; his voice is soothing and reassuring.

I speak before I even realize it. “Yeah…” I exhale sharply, unsure what I actually just agreed to.

I feel a finger press against me. It dances across my back and slips downward, circling my hole before wistfully teasing and tickling it.

“You need to relax.” The voice is calming again. I can tell this isn’t his first time.

“I’m trying but you already body slammed me with that finger once. I have no idea what you’re going to do now.”

He laughs in response, still having fun with the idea that I have no idea what’s going on. “You’ll be fine,” he says, “I know you don’t know me but you can trust me.”

And something deep within me does and I feel my body settle.

“There you go. Just a little more…” His wrist flicks again and I feel the force enter me slowly, pressing me open. I gasp, my eyes wide.

“Just like that.”

His finger presses playfully against me a second time, circling the hole before slipping inside me. My eyes roll backwards into my head as I feel myself give in.

The finger slides in and out as the force within me relaxes. My breathing and head grow heavy as he continues to work me from inside.

“Suddenly the finger slides outward. I spend a few seconds catching my breath before looking behind me just as he tongue presses into me. My back arches in ecstasy and I moan loudly before smashing my face into the pillow under me.




It's great! But I always thought Zack was a top lol


not me I thought Zack as a bottom


there's been a lot of debate on this over the years and i could always see an argument for either as well as other roles besides the traditional top and bottom thing