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Yo, welcome to August: the month where I begin to focus on full-time game production and research for Straight!?; where I  sink, swim, or just expect Mikhail to drag me from the abyss coughing. I don't really know what the future holds but I'm optimistic to try and find more balance in my life while still being able to dedicate more time than ever to working on the game. In short, I'm hoping this makes things more enjoyable, efficient, and even ups the quality to finish this thing out and then start production on the revamp (which I'm reaaaaaly optimistic about. This is just the rough draft, folks). 

With the changes, I'm planning on buffing up some Patreon rewards but I'll do a more in-depth post on that fairly soon. My goal is for the new rewards/benefits to kick in during the month of August and for you to see things get a bit more active around here and on the Discord. Bare with me for a few more days until I officially go full-time though so don't expect an explosion of activity just yet. I wanna be calculated about this. We all know I have a knack for being too ambitious sometimes :p

The first thing I wanted to share is the pile of audio equipment I upgraded to. Up to now, I was using a $20 headset from Amazon and it sounded like poop. While this isn't directly related to the game production, it's going to hopefully get me more in touch with the community again and back on Discord with a few new perks as well as just generally being more interactive. I figure if you're going to ask questions about the game or I'm going to interact in dev-lead events, I should probably... I don't know... maybe accidently sound professional even though I never look it. So this was an obvious first step and I'm pleased with it. Shout out to my buddy and fellow dev, Jordyn, for helping me set this up and just generally always bailing me out related to anything that's powered by electricity; he's amazing and I love him to death. This setup will hopefully come in handy in the near future where I can show it off some with more behind-the-scenes stuff as a way to say thanks for all the continued support. While it's always nice to make profit from something you enjoy doing, I think it's even more fun to put those contributions back into the project and really show those of you that have donated over the years that I'm still invested in this and that supporting this really does matter. 

So thank you, too all past and present supporters around here for chipping in to help make things like this more of a reality and to just generally help me get this whole thing off the ground. I have a few more hardware upgrades that I have planned in the coming months but I'm probably gonna lay low a bit and go easy on the coffers early on but I do have plans to get a more reliable keyboard with mute functions to help with the audio and wrist strain plus my monitor is pretty old and I'd like to upgrade to a higher def/bigger one to help with the CG and visuals. But all in due time. We taking this slow, folks. 

Again, if you have ideas for things you'd like to see around here, don't forget to drop a comment or feel free to DM me if you're the shy type and I like your privacy. You can also hit me up on Discord if you're not a current sub. 

Thanks again all and I look forward to saying thank you in the voice chat with my boring monotone-ass voice





....stupid phone... I'm going to just throw this out there: think about developing a Straight!? franchise. The summer after school with Zack and Braden dealing with coming out to the family... Second year creating a relationship, etc etc. I think you can take this seed and develop it into something really important... and perhaps needed. Lots of guys are dealing with these issues and need all the help they can get! Anyway, just a suggestion and happy to discuss if you like.


I appreciate the suggestions. I've thought of a few things but I always keep the options open. Really hoping to stick with this and make sure this isn't the only project. Despite this game breaking new ground in the genre, it's definitely appealed to a lot of people and you really can't put a personal value on that. But I'd like to keep going and seeing what else we can create. We'll muck around and see where it takes us


When I saw this, I thought that you guys were going to start adding audio to the characters as they speak. Voice acting and what not. That would be pretty dope if it happnes :P


It hasn't been ruled out yet but that would be a much more public announcement. It will however be used in the future more. I will say, the voice acting would be dope, i agree , but there's also 40,000 lines of dialogue, lmfao