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My breathing falls into a cadence of darkness, the sliver of light from outside finally dimming as sleep overtakes me. I lay motionless in the deep abyss, lost in my typical thoughts about my own daily existence. Despite nothing of note today, I can’t help but begin to entertain a new anxiety that maybe something important did happen and I didn’t realize it.

Wait… what’s that? There shouldn’t be anything in here but me. This is my darkness, my void… why is that light here?

The blue glow intensifies until it’s blinding, before I plummet back into my bed with a thud.

I awake with a groan and butterflies in my stomach; that weird feeling when you wake up with an emotion related to a dream you can’t remember. Despite only being at the university for a few days, my eyes wander over towards Braden’s bed. The blankets are scattered, twisted in a jumbled mess, evidence that he left in a hurry.

He’s a much better student than I am. My eyes roll back in exhaustion as I realize that it’s Wednesday-- fuck, today is Statistics.

I glance downward as I feel a twinge in my pants, noticing the pulsing morning glory gift my body plagues upon me. Alone in the room, I push down on it and it angrily presses back against me. There’s no use trying to ignore this one in a room by myself.

Fuck Statistics.

I toss my clothes carelessly on the floor and begin to slowly jerk my dick. Suddenly a cough startles me. I look up, wide-eyed  to see a blonde boy, with a familiar face I couldn’t quite place. My hands slowly creep over my dick, my sad attempt to casually hide my pulsing dick. Maybe if I move slow enough, he won’t see me.

He doesn’t speak, only raising his eyebrows.

Finally, I break the awkward silence.  “Um… can I help you or something?”



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