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So here's the public free version of the much anticipated v0.17.2. For those of you that haven't gotten a chance to play this or were unable to support on the Patreon site, I'm gonna recommend that you take it slow.  This update is heavy as hell and there's a lot that happens so don't just speed click through stuff if you want to actually enjoy it. Also, replaying it helps-- you'll understand later. It took me about 2 days to really process things and I helped write the thing.

In general, this one speaks for itself. It doesn't need an intro. Enjoy the rollercoaster, folks. This one hits like a truck.


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MAC:            Google Drive              Mega              MediaFire 


Change Log v0.17

-Massive story addition and completion of Chapter 8 as well as the conclusion of Part 3 of the story. Sorry about the cliffhanger... don't hate me

-All new images in this update are now rendered in 4K UHD quality and converted down to 1080p. This should result in enhanced image quality of all the new images added in this update ONLY. All future images will be rendered in 4K as well. This should also not affect the game size either. So those who previously were downloading the full edition as opposed to the crunched edition actually have better image quality now than they previously did with 6 gig file size.

-Modified dialogue choices in cafe in Day 1 conversation to prevent references to Zack being gay before he tells Braden he may like the D.

-Corrected spelling errors but probably still missed just as many

-Slight wording change in post-park conversation to clarify "first kisses." For those confused, the park kiss was Zack's first kiss and Braden's first kiss with a dude.


Change Log v0.17.1

-Image and typo fixes

Change Log v0.17.2

-Lots of typo fixes

-Slight rearrange of dialogue in the final car scenes on the way to the beach to improve the conversational flow at the suggestion of a supporter

-Corrected a beach CG where Zack and Mikhail's shorts suddenly changed from trunks to their normal outfits during the beach intro conversations

-Made adjustments to the beach activity choices. There was a continuity error here where, based on the order of your choice, certain objects appeared in game before they were retrieved. The order has been reworked while still allowing the player to choose which beach activity they want to do first




To me, what defines a good story is how much I fear what's coming next. I can't even remember the last time I've felt so many emotions with a story. This is some really good writing. I've been silently following the progress you made since one of the early versions, but this one got me so hard I had to say something. That cliffhanger will be stuck in my head for a really long time and I can't even describe how much impact this story has in my life, thank you for this, I'm looking foward for the next update and I hope I can find a way to support you until then.


As much as this one ends with some crazy stuff, it's honestly a good break for us to catch up with everything that happened. I really wanted emotions all over the place here because i think it was really needed for the story. Plus, this part, imo, had to outdo the bar/park scene. We can't have the best scenes in the game that early. I'm glad you enjoyed this and while i'm sorry you had to go through all the emotions, we all did it together. It's just as crazy writing this stuff as it is reading it. I'm looking forward to the next one too. Lot changes moving forward

Barbara Smell

Yes, I'm still alive and kicking and lurking :P It's a great update, I will not comment on everything, just my main observations. SPOILERS ahead! - Braden looks very cute with the glasses. "Dork" would be the negative way of saying it, I prefer to say "intellectual". And "intellectual" turns me on. It's superficial of me, even if in a positive way. In truth, it shouldn't and doesn't matter. - Mikhail's stayover. That was so lovely. He was allowed to stay. That was the ultimate sign/proof that he is part of the "inner circle" now. - The "curve". LOL. Well I was expecting WORSE. Far worse. I was expecting an angle of like 90 degrees or something xD It was so harmless, just like the glasses are harmless. But of course, both are a sign of feeling insecure (when there is actually no reason to from the outside) - Zack frozen when Braden had disappeared. I would have used this in a different way. I do not know what's up ahead in the story. I would have used this as the ultimate, last, final trust issue before their happy end. If Braden's trust in Zack had been shattered by this - then Zack would have had to work for months to regain Braden's trust. Then the swimming pool scene at night would have been such a greater payoff. It was still amazing though, of course!! For my liking it was a bit too easy and too fast how Braden was able to get in the pool AFTER such an incident (even if Zack hadn't been frozen). - The Fire. It didn't shock me. At all. Everything they need was outside of that building: themselves. Everything that is burning are just things you can replace. The fire cannot destroy their relationship nor their memories. It's just up to them to realize that. So for me, the fire really is just an inconvenience. It's a matter for the insurance, really. If Mikhail was in that building, which I doubt, I'm gonna stop ever playing again :P Please, don't do that. - Max and Mikhail. WELL. Yes and No. If Mikhail gets over Zack too easily and too fast that could diminish his GREAT SACRIFICE (TM). Those were my main thoughts. And in the sense of criticism they are just nitpicking. Your story, your game has achieved such a depth. And it is so rich and full and speaks to me on so many levels. I couldn't praise it highly enough. I appreciate a lot how this game casts a light on the issue of feeling insecure and social anxiety. There is always so much more to a person than you can see from the outside. One last thing, and I am serious: How can you even see undercurrents and what are you supposed to do when you see one?


Good to see you still around here lurking. -I was really surprised to see the reaction to Braden's glasses. I was expecting more pushback from the community in changing his character model a bit. But it doesn't seem like a surprise since we've talked about it almost the entire game. It was just cool to see people open to that. -I'm with you on the Mikhail sleepover. I thought it was especially more impactful coming from Braden -In terms of curve insecurity. There's many things about people they are insecure about but to others, it seems very minor. - Zack's freezing during the drowning is probably the most controversial in the update. This was actually more of a surprise to me than anything because for the life of me, I can't see this scene play out any other way. For Zack to rescue him, it would have been more cliche. It's Mikhkail's time to shine and to consistently do what he always does, he kicks the credit masterfully right back to his friend. It reinforces who he is, who he's said he will be from the time he and Zack had that talk in Mik's dorm room. Zack's reaction in this scene is not uncommon--it's a classic trauma reaction. He's trained in controlled environments for things he's never actually experienced. In this case, he sees Braden (whom at this moment he probably already loves but hasn't admitted it until later). Don't forget the rose metaphor from before too, that he has to realize things can be lost before they actualy hold more value to him. Without that scene, we wouldn't have had a reason for the pool scene. I also view the night swim as a way for Braden to give Zack a chance to make up. Braden forgave Zack the second Mikhail dropped him in the sand, we saw that and he said it later in the shower too. Zack was the one who wasn't forgiving himself. Part of me thinks Braden was open to the night swim as a way for Zack to earn his own forgiveness. There's soooo much trust in that night swim. -In terms of the fire, we'll have to see how that plays out but in reality, i agree with you personally.I think Mikhail is gonna be ok too -Just because someone has mild interest in someone else doesn't mean they're over the first one. Mikhail is way more complex than we see. We see a few glimpses of that in this episode. undercurrents: enough time at the beach and you can sorta predict the waves and waters a bit. In that scene, Mikhail sees the water current change and knows what it's going to do before it happens. Sorta the same thing that people would use for surfing and stuff

Barbara Smell

Heh, I didn't even wonder about Zack freezing in shock. What I was wondering about was how fast Braden got over this incident. Water is supposed to be the worst fear of his life (that's how I imagined it :P ) and he was almost drowning. So what does he do the next day? Go to the pool with the one person of whom he cannot be sure will be able to rescue him should anything happen. Braden might have forgiven Zack on a personal level. Sure enough and I can believe that. But Zack's professional ability to rescue someone who is in danger - especially Braden, maybe only Braden - should still be in question. So in a way, Braden is risking his life again in the pool scene. He can't be sure Zack would be able to rescue him should anything happen. I guess that is what trust is then. And to be able to trust someone with one's own life, yeah I guess that is the message that Braden is sending here. "Part of me thinks Braden was open to the night swim as a way for Zack to earn his own forgiveness." -> That is a very beautiful interpretation. Braden has grown a lot on me, there's so much more to him than meets the eye. You could say he is adorkable *BADUMM TZZZ*


I wouldn't say "worst fear of his life" but he's definitely phobic--aversion at the very least. However, during the story, he's obviously taken steps to force himself to overcome that (i.e. go to the pool to meet Zack that one day he overheard the locker room convo, going to the beach, allowing hiself to run out into the water during frisbee). However, all of these things were linked to his relationship with Zack. I think Braden's forgiveness of Zack at the beach is instant because there was no intent behind Zack's failure. He just choked. Braden sensed that because they have a deeper connection by this point in the story. Braden trusts Zack unconditionally. We see this in the pool as he fights his own desire to get in the pool yet invites Zack to coach him into the water--even by the stupidest means necessary. Zack's ploy to get him in the water shouldn't have worked unless Braden actively wanted to do it. In my own head, he wanted to give Zack a second chance. I think he wants to spend time with Zack in his own element, which is why he allows Zack to take him under and doesn't fight it at all