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Hey all,

So after for-freakin'-ever, v0.16 is here. This one drops the first half of Chapter 8 on us and introduces a few anticipated character interactions that may excite some of you. So we'll drop the download links here at the top so you can get it started while I ramble on about more shit:

 Normal Version (6 gig!!)
PC:   MediaFire
Mac:   MediaFire  

Crunched Version with reduced image quality (650mb)
PC:    MediaFire
Mac:     MediaFire 


Alright, so you may have noticed we're not using Google Drive for this update. Last update, we crashed Google and it was a friggin' mess. It also has annoying download limits, forcing us to have to upload the game to multiple sites just so people can finally find a mirror that works for them. So this time, we're trying out MediaFire for our primary downloads. This does not have a download limit and is reasonably quick for the download. However, I will note that there's ads on the site even with the paid account that we're using. Sorry...


So we broke the record with 289 new images added to the game. Length of the update is just over 2,600 lines of code; slightly under what v0.15 was but still massive. Playthrough is still pretty long and comparable to v015. We've added a few new locations in this one that turned out pretty good. I will say we had to pull out the big guns to finish this one, I took a week of work off to try and catch it up and it still barely touched it. The team was working 7 days a week on this thing, even tagging in Jordyn to help with image editing at the end so the rest of us could focus on other things. I seriously don't know why we did this to ourselves, lol. We easily have over 1,000 hours of development time into this one update and it turned out pretty good. One thing that I think we've done well around here is making the story always go in a direction that most people are surprised with. While it's no secret where we're headed, the way of getting there will hopefully be a surprise and keep you guessing just a little bit more. 

The size of this one is massive, adding about 1gig of additional content. We're looking at making some adjustments in the future to reduce file size. I'll also reiterate that we have a few issues with visuals you may stumble across in this update related to merging Daz and Blender together. Some of our compatibility issues manifest with different textures that may appear inconsistent. We're still working with this and it will be a major issue to tackling v0.17 so we have a lot of work to do in that area but this was practice for that. If we're able to improve these images, we'll likely just go back and make the necessary improvements. But like anything, this is a learning experience for us.


So it's almost a staple of each update for me to mutter "this one was a bitch" so i'll just get that out the way--cause it was. I will say Chapter 8 has been part of the story I've been both dreading and hopeful for. It has events that have been forecast and setup for a very long time in it and I hope this update gives you a taste of that. It's long, the character interactions are fun, and it has some of my favorite lines and some of my favorite CGs in the entire game so far. 

I will say, on a personal level, my reflections this time are more based on the team and working with these guys than the game itself. This update was tough and I know we're glad it's finally done. This one stretched our creativity beyond our limits. I've known it for a long time but this one really cemented that these are the guys that I really trust to make this vision come to life. I can't imagine having a more talented co-writer at my side than Blayke. I can't imagine trying to create the things that Lazy-Jayke does with the amount of detail and the efficiency that he's able to create it with. And this time I had the opportunity to tag in Jordyn to help with some of the artwork-- something we've both talked about for a long time but the time just wasn't right until now ; he helped rally when I called for reinforcements. I love these guys and I couldn't have done it without them. So thanks to the supporters as always but I want to start shifting the credit and the accomplishment over to these guys. Cause there's no way I could have done this one alone. Love you guys!




Congratulation for your update and thank you for this massive hard work you and your team were speding for it. Real high quality entertainment!


This is a great update. The story line hasn't really changed. A few more characters added. Braden still fighting with his acceptance, Zack airing his thoughts with Mikhail (who I still don't totally trust). How do 18 & 19 year olds answer all these questions and thoughts. Excited to see where the day at the beach goes. Really nice work. Thank you for you and your teams amazing story and program.


thanks man. this was a long wait for this one. Hope some of the finer details helped stand out. I think we raised the bar and improved more from our previous works and we opened up the door for more improvements.


Still a lot of skepticism over Mikhail from a few peeps. We def trying to tackle some big issues in this game and really try and redine the slice of life genre a bit.