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Hey all,

So I know it's been quiet since the last DevLog but things are moving forward again. I'll post another text Devlog before too long when I have more to report. Until then, you can keep an eye on the Overview tab for more information and the status of the update. Just a heads up, there's multiple outlines being worked on right now to better organize the process of communication over here within the team and improve the writing over the next 3 updates. Hopefully, every month we can continue to sharpen up our skills a bit better.

But for now, here's a teaser to spark some interesting for v0.15. As usual, I'm providing no context at all.  :p

Have fun!

-Da Team




I love this game so much... I can't wait for new installments.


Dude, that means sooo mich to us over here. This update turned out good. I'm excited for the next one, too. It's just moving slow


Every time I see this picture I can't help but get excited for the next update, plus the lighting is looking amazing and the new underwater is so hot 😁


Thanks. Yeah..I had to do a full playthrough again before the writing this time and it's crazy how far the graphics have come. It's like watching this game grow up. And I'm liking the underwear too :p