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Hey all,

Quick note to anyone concerned (as I've gotten a few messages about this):

So normally Patreon payments are done in like 1 to 2 days. For whatever reason, Patreon is taking 5 to 6 days to actually collect all the payments for January. Right now it's day 4 and mine is at 71% completion. So for some of you, this means that your account may be billed later than normal. Check your statements to make sure. If a payment is declined, Patreon retries to collect that payment throughout the month so it may be taken out later if it hits you between paychecks.  

For newer folks, Patreon's bank sometimes trips fraud alerts with some banks so keep an eye out in case your payment gets declined that way. If it does, all you have to do is let your bank know that I'm not a terrorist and you should be fine. 

Let me know if you have questions. Also check and make sure something crazy didn't happy like it did a few months ago when Patreon was double-billing people. If you have problems, hit me up.



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