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So it's been a little while since I did one of these. We've had probably more Patreon updates and content over the recent weeks than we've ever done, but we also don't want to lose focus on what started this whole thing: the actual game. I'm going to drop some info on a few different things here so you can skip around based on what you're actually interested in.

Discord Server

So we launched the Discord server and completely underestimated the interest and popularity in this thing. Before the poll, the mods were hoping for around 40 or 50 people with interest. Within the first day we had over 100 members join and we've now exceeded 150 members. So far, we've been really pleased with the early community. There's been some solid discussions and laughs shared in there and people seem to be surprised by the content of the interactions. You also get a chance to meet the moderators Blayke and Jordyn, two of my closest buddies that are involved in the game behind-the-scenes.

Here's the link again if you missed it first time around:  https://discord.gg/jhN66nQ

Also: you're going to want to pair your Discord account with Patreon through the Patreon account settings, too. Patreon automatically syncs with Discord now so if you're account is paired, you should have access to the Patreon only channel in there. Feel free to use this to communicate with the other supporters or talk about Dev Updates and stuff like that.

Game Update

So onto the game stuff:

So, writing on v0.14 is moving forward and it's going ok. You can keep an eye on the progress using the Overview tab here. I will admit this time around that my ability to judge the writing progress seems a little inaccurate. While I'm posting a percentage of the progress on here, you can probably assume I'm a bit further ahead of that but I still won't know for a few more scenes. Basically there's a few conversation topics that need to take place and I'm not sure actually how long those dialogues will be until I write them. 

I've already surpassed the typical 1,000 lines of code and the writing is very much still in progress. Thus, this update, when completed, will probably seem longer than the past few--it may actually be the longest. Plus, there's a lot going on.  A LOT  happens here and this is probably the biggest transition of an update we've ever had. I told you about the new environments, got a few of those already finished up including the teaser pic from last week. The renders are also some of the best I've done so far so I'm proud to show some of those off. Expect this to be the biggest visual update ever. So far I've completed 117 renders and we're probably only about halfway through or so...hard to decide. So lot of new pics--damn near double-- and they look pretty good.

Blayke and I are continuing to explore our own system and work out some organizational issues but I don't think either of us are expecting too many delays to be caused from that process. 

New Stuff

So in other news, Blayke is tinkering around with a combination of some suggestions from Discord and his own chaotic brilliance to potentially bring some new content to the community in the future. More on that later but we wanted to let you know that suggestions are taken seriously and that the Discord is a place to really get your voice heard and help impact the game, the Devs, and the community.

Promoting Us

There's also a link on the Discord for "rating-the-game," this is currently locked and only for the Dev team to post in. But here, you can see other places the game is featured. We'd appreciate if you have a couple minutes or an account there, to rate the game and leave some feedback. The higher these numbers go, the more our game climbs in popularity. Hopefully, this would help gain more support and further allow us to make additional improvements.

This is kind of a short DevLog but I wanted to let the community know that despite the new Discord server launching, that we have not lost focus on the actual game and things are still moving forward for your two favorite little awkward roommates.

-Str8 Team 



Tried clicking the link but it said the instant invite has expired :(


I just uploaded a second one. It shouldn't expire. <a href="https://discord.gg/jhN66nQ" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://discord.gg/jhN66nQ</a>


Did it! Had to type the invite via browser. May work if others have similar problems as I did :)