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Hey all,

So real quick: my test copy is done and it's been sent off to a few testers to check for bugs 'n shit like that. Basically, all I'm waiting on is those peeps to get back to me with thoughts. If I need to make changes, I will and then I'd like to get the update published. 

So, should be out to you folks in the next day or so give or take. Hopefully Monday at the latest. I'd like to get it out tomorrow but have some pretty serious family stuff going on and may not be able to make changes tomorrow. However, I can remotely post things with the app, too. So we still have options :)

Goal in a Perfect World: By Tomorrow but may be Monday if things get really bad over the weekend.

Thanks for the patience




Yesshhh!!! I’m going to spend christmas with Zack and Braden. Thank you for all your efforts! It’s going to be a fun-filled holiday :)


Omg, if it's not here for Christmas imma lose my mind. Lmao