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Hey all,

So I'm looking at two different things right now and wanted to get some community feedback from all.

UI States Menu

Are people looking for some type of a stats menu to keep track of your relationship points or no? Right now this would include Braden points, Ernie points, and the Stealth skill. I have mixed feelings about this. I feel like if you can see that it's point based (which technically it is) people would watch the points as the means to "grind." This would detract from the story, imo. While there will be a grinding component to some degree, this is meant to simulate repetition and time. Thus, if there is a menu, would people focus too much on the stat? On the other hand, having no menu, makes it more of a surprise. While event triggers will require specific point requirements, do you want to know where your points are at all times or no?

Release Date

I wanted feedback from members on the release date of the game. the $5 and up tier has early access, originally stated as 1 month. I am having mixed feelings about this and am considering dropping this down to 3 weeks rather than 4. Reason being, this would allow me to post the game to the non-paying members 1 week earlier before the next billing cycle for Patreon. This broadens the audience and increases the chance for more feedback and bug reports. From a Patreon standpoint, essentially the way I have it setup now, a member may discover the game free and want to support it but would have to wait an entire billing cycle before getting the next update. So new members would miss an update.

Let me know what ya think


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