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  • zoro-ash(zoroark)_animatic_final_video.mp4



finally..! our first project is done. :D

I'm glad to hear that we're finally able to release the artwork we've been working on with Healing Pit for the past few weeks.

This project is an animation based on a picture i previously created and Healing Pit worked all the animation work.

also we worked collaboratively on sound and video editing. :D

Since for me, this is my first time creating something like this, it may appear somewhat awkward, but I hope you can understand.

Currently, I am working with Healing Pit on a new animation project, and it is scheduled to be released next month!

I am grateful to all the supporters, and I hope to see you soon with a new piece of work!

background music   Song: 

"Sappheiros - Falling (Ft. eSoreni) [Chill]" is under a Creative Commons license (CC-BY) Music promoted by BreakingCopyright: http://bit.ly/Sappheiros-Falling 


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어..일단 링크라도 올려야 포스팅이 가능해서 올려둔거긴한데, 한번 설정해볼게 여차하면 원본파일 받아서 봐도 괜찮아!