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Hey my lovely Patrons,

Following the advice of a few content creator friends, I'm gunna be using my next wow video to officially announce my Patreon.

Future videos after this point will be posted here early for Patrons, and you will be charged per upload.


My Patreon is set up to charge PER VIDEO, not PER MONTH, so please make sure you aren't giving more than you can per upload (i don't want to give you guys any nasty surprises on your bank statements lol)

love you all~






Good to hear you're making an official announcement to get the word out! Will you be adding more tiers? I feel like 1$ or 250$ is a bit of a steep jump. A lot of people would probably be cool giving closer to 10$.


people can pledge more than $1 if they feel they want to contribute more. i might consider adding more tiers/rewards in the future, but right now this is all i can comfortably offer


Zul'Farrak Horror Stories was great i look forward to seeing more of your videos.