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Happy Friday, my lovelies!

It's a brand new month and that means we have some brand new updates. Nothing like a fresh first week!

If you're feeling creative but need some inspiration, be sure to check out our latest Deviantart Challenge. It's an open ended challenge where you can create whatever you want based on a written prompt! If you're curious about more details, check out the challenge here. Your participation is greatly appreciated!

Digital patreon rewards will be going out by the end of the weekend! I'm wrapping up Fluorite (finally) and our schedule will be back to normal as I'm entirely settled in from the move. Test prints for Flourite should be coming soon, and Lilith prints will be on their way to me (and then you!) within the week! I can't wait to send these babies, they're gorgeous.

On Monday I'm finally hosting the Rose Quartz cosplay livestream!! If you'd like to be there for it, it's happening on Monday August 9th at 11 AM EDT! I'll be doing the whole get up on stream and probably making an absolute fool of myself, so I'll need you to come boost my morale.

Thanks for being so understanding of my crazy schedule in July! There are fewer rewards from July, but hopefully you still like them. <3 And now, back to editing some videos so I can get these goodies out to you soon!

Hope you all had a great week!


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