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Happy almost end of the month, friends!

July was crazy with the move so I'm looking forward to my workload settling down again. I can't wait to wrap up these final illustrations and a few 12 hour stream sketches. I'm so grateful to all of you for your patience in receiving delayed rewards. As it stands, future rewards should be right on track!

I did want to mention that there will be slight changes to the Art Collector and Limited Edition tiers coming up. Previously I was writing thank you notes for each of the collectors and, while I absolutely love doing that, it is often the same thank you every month and a LOT of additional writing for me (my hand is starting not to like it and I would rather save that energy for art)! 

So, what I've opted to do instead, is include small quote cards with motivational art sayings on them. Maybe they'll be another additional thing for you to collect or gift to someone else in need. Hopefully you all enjoy these and I will be putting as much love and thought into the quotes as I did hand writing everything. <3

And on the same note, patreon physical rewards have ALL been sent out now post move and you can expect them in the mail any day now!

For now, that's a wrap on July updates! There will be more art to share soon!


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