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Happy holidays, my lovely friends.

I want to start by saying that this year has had its challenges. It's always through tough times that we come out stronger, more prepared for what life throws at us. I'll be the first to admit that the second half of my art year was a slow one. I'm sure you know that overwhelming feeling of having so many things you want to learn and struggling to find a place to start.

You feeling that too? It's alright, we're together on that. I'm here to tell you (and maybe myself a little as well) that it's okay. It's never too late to kick back into gear.

With that attitude, I thought it'd be appropriate to look to the future and talk about a few of the things I have planned. Some of which are things you guys have been asking for (for a while) - things I've wanted to give but struggled just a bit with the execution. We're all guilty of biting off more than we can chew but these days I have a better balance on work and life. A better head space and appropriate rest means I can get back to all the fun, art craziness. Truth be told, I miss it and I'm happy to get back to being creative with all of you. 

So, without further ado, here are my upcoming plans:

ART STREAMS ARE COMING BACK. This is probably the one I'm most excited to share with you guys. I'll be back to streaming at the start of the new year! Although I don't have a schedule in mind yet, you guys will be the first to know when you can catch me live again.

As always, you can follow me on twitch for notifications.

The website will be back up and running by the end of the week.
It's exactly as we left it - so let me tell you a bit about what's been going on.

Wordpress has been an absolute mess and we've actually been searching for some new framework. This is requiring us to rewrite the code for the site but since it's taking us some time, we're going to keep the project public on the current site until we're ready to make the switch. All gifts and requests already submitted will be transferred when it's time!

If you see anything buggy on the website in the meantime, be sure to report it at info@sylessae.com!  

While we're going to have a larger public to-do list posted of some future additions and changes soon, here are some more immediate deadlines for what's the come!

Project Starcall website will be live again by Friday, December 21st. You can submit your requests and start fulfilling gifts that inspire you again! The forums will become active with study sessions and monthly challenges!

Project Starcall Development To-Do List will be live to the public on January 1st. This will keep you up to date on what's to come. You'll be able to see how close we are to launching on the new framework and what features will come afterwards. Feel free to make any suggestions regarding the website as well!  

Colors illustrations are coming BACK. It's about time, huh?? I've been painting so much in black and white - mostly dealing with a lot of client work - but personal illustrations will be returning soon. That means Starcall gifts and NSFW paintings as well!

Keep in mind that I'll be laying low with artwork through-out the end of the year while I iron out some kinks in Project Starcall and rest for the holiday. Sketches will still be coming but December will be a slow month!

Chains is on the backburner for now! Though I'm a little disappointed to share this, it's the only way I can sort through a few of the higher priority projects I've got going on. We'll get back to it - how could I ever abandon my babies? - but it'll be at a later date!

Thanks for sticking with me through another wonderful year together. If you have any questions about content, or anything really, feel free to reach out. <3


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