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Hi there!

It's time for a dreadlocks bun, surprisingly I haven't made anything simple like this and I've had the chromatic collection 2 for quite a while hahaha. My fault though because I always tend to make long fancy stuff 😂.

I hope you like it and wish you a great week ❤️.

PS: As someone who has polen allergy, I hate spring 🤧.







Seconding Sara’s comment, your collection 2 male hair is EVERYTHING! The color ways always look amazing and the detail of your modern creations are stellar. I still frequently use your older creations on my sims, but can’t deny the quality of these are unmatched. Thank you for your consistent work and blessing to the Sims community 🖤


Hey anto, I have a request for you. You know your half n half hair? Where one is a single color and you can choose an accessory to make the other half a different color? Would it be possible to create one of the sides “nothing”? That way I could do an “edgy” half-shaved head? As of now, the hairs have a black silhouette placeholder thing. Would that be at all possible? 🥺


Thank you soooooo muuuuch 🥹❤️ It makes me so happy to read this. When I look at my old hairstyles I find them ugly hahahaha, I would change so many things if I had to make them again 😂. Thank you once again, seriously, I have no words other than thank you, you're so sweet and I don't deserve you ❤️❤️❤️


Do you mean in this specific hairstyle or in all? The black thing is the mesh, and the game has 2 possible "shaders" for hairs. One of them is alpha, which can be hidden if there's a transparent texture, and the other one is solid, which renders black if the texture is transparent. I use this solid shader to prevent alpha issues like seeing through the hair or things like that. With dreadlocks I can only use this solid shader because if I used the other you'd see through the dreadlocks, kind of like what happens with the roots from certain angles or long hairs around clavicle/breasts when looking from the side where you can see part of the hair from the other side of the body. Even in long hairs I put these solid parts to reduce the amount of issues. If you're talking just about this hairstyle I can edit the mesh and make a shaved part to get rid of those black pieces, I have no problem with that 😊


Hey Anto. Would be great if you could create more short hair style for male