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Figured I'd give a small update on this while I remember, as I've been pretty quiet about the specifics of how this is faring.

No real big issue or reason why, just the pre-production has been more intricate than I'd given it credit for. With the issues that arose with Unity and alike, I've been putting it slightly more on the backburner while I consulted someone as to how to best plan for things going ahead. So over the past few weeks, we've been putting together a document outlining all the systems we might need, mockups of the UI and the flow of the central game loop and sadly it's still maybe a couple months away from anything playable.

That might not be the case though, and I'll be trying to get something out by the end of the year if I can, but in the meantime, there are things to be shown over on the Discord server. If you're a patron, you already have access. If you're not, you'll be seeing the stuff there for the first time very much in an open-book development style. I'll move some of those assets over to Patreon as well over time, presented a bit more organized, just so people know what's going on.

Alternatively, or in addition to, would people want an actual living Design Doc to look at while I work on this? There was some very vocal people that wanted to see it for Password but they were so few it fell by the wayside.

While there's nothing playable yet because of back end systems and such, there has been a decent chunk of writing done. I'd like to say most of it is usable, though in terms of being critical to core gameplay loop that's where things fall apart. Sex scenes and alike however should be serviceable with a few tweaks once I know how the information is properly going to be presented on screen. So maybe I can at the very least throw that somewhere if people wanted a read. I worry that if I throw that out there before the game is playable, people aren't going to bother looking for content if they have it already though.


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