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It's no secret that I'm looking at producing two projects after Password is squared away:
- Syndicate (Crime drama set some time after the final events of Password)
- The Cat's Meow (A smutty merchanting game with cards)

While they're both in early preproduction, it's worth getting a handle on what people would rather, given Patreon and the server. Especially given some people aren't necessarily interested in both at the same time, and the target markets might cross over, what works best for you guys?

Admittedly, rebranding and adjusting the Patreon to cater for both as far as tiering (and general setup) is going to be easier on myself when it comes to finances and tax so that'll be a primary factor but if people really feel strongly about keeping things separate, I'll look into what options we have. For now though, do you guys want separate Discord servers for each project, or just keep it on the same server but different sections, or what?

I imagine distribution on itch.io will be the least affected by this given it's easier to just make different projects under the same banner, so this is primarily about what/how you want to pledge and the surrounding community that comes with that.


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