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EDIT: There's been a known issue where accessing the epilogue from the compendium doesn't work. I'm looking into why currently, though in the mean time you can access the epilogue at the end of Path P. I'll have a new build up shortly to reflect this and have it working properly (hopefully) by next update.


  • Proto Compendium added to main menu
  • Fixed a bug where the last track in the music room failed to unlock
  • Added additional Tyson epilogue to Compendium
  • Added beginnings of the QoL for checking what medals are required


  • Compendium currently only available if you've reached end of Path A
  • Currently unable to revisit Dave scenes on Day 23, will be in next build

Worked a bit on QoL this time around, at least to get something up and running to hold a bunch of lore things and alike while also smashing out the first encore for Tyson. Dean's was started but I realized that I hadn't actually gotten something made to allow people to read it so here we are. I still want to tweak a few things, namely unlocking the compendium sooner for the final experience but not entirely sure where/when to put the flag. The nice thing about the system is that we can add functionally any number of things to it and so long as there is lore to be had, we can have them in there. Inclusive of passwords, characters and alike.

Separate thing, plushie is happening. Prototype design is in sketch phase and things are moving along. When I know more and am allowed to share things, I'll be sure to let you guys know.

(You will be required to have an account on itch.io to connect to your Patreon account in order to access the content.)




Haven't looked at the compendium yet but as for where you could unlock it the point where dave starts writing things down to solve the passwords would work. Using the compendium as showing the things dave learns along the way about his friends and stuff and revealing everything at path P.

Sr Hyeno

Plushie... yes... yes... yes... YES... Y E S