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  • Completion of Path A (+Epilogue)
  • New Track added to Music Room
  • Additional CGs added to Gallery


  • Additional QoL to be added in a future update
  • Additional scenes viewable on Path A currently only available on Path A
  • This build will be the final publicly available build

So here it is, we're finally in beta. First pass of the story is done, and with it the completion of Password's story. You can go through all of Path A and should you fulfil the requirements, proceed onto the true ending. I'll amend additional features in to make reviewing certain scenes later while I contemplate a requested chapter select feature now the bulk of the work is done. For now, you will need a complete run of Path A, a complete run of Path B, and some other pick-ups here and there for the rest of the requirements, which should be obvious once you've seen what the game asks of you.

I will say however that from here the content is going to be tightened. Expect some scenes to just not exist moving forward and some to change to compensate. Some plot threads just never got a chance to resolve due to how the game needed to change to cater to a better end-user experience. I'll outline more when I run the AMA and post the post-mortem on Password's development.

Really, it's been a blast working on this and seeing everyone get excited update to update has been a pleasure. Hopefully between now and full release people will enjoy the art streams, additional side stories to come, and everything beyond Password's lifetime!

(You will be required to have an account on itch.io to connect to your Patreon account in order to access the content.)




Leo, Virgo, Aries, Taurus, Scorpio, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces...damn so close but not quite. That she-pig, new game+ was a funny way to put it, guess I'm going back in 😋😮‍💨 Too bad about Memphis...he was hot


This vn has truly been a joy to read. I laughed, cried, and at the end I am also happy at the conclusion. I have always enjoyed the various clues hidden in each route. I also loved that the merchandise was also itself a clue.