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What's in this update?

- Day 22 (Bad Timeline)

Hoo boy this one gave me some troubles. A few crashes here and there meant I had to rewrite sections but we got there. Enjoy Paths F and G! If I would make a recommendation, I'd say start with G. You'll probably have an idea why as you play. If not, well... it'll be clear when you get to F.

What's missing in this build?

I actually got a bunch of typos and bugs sorted out at the end of the cycle so nothing is missing as such. Shout out to those that submitted things to be fixed on the server!

Plan for next build!

So here's where we're at. The next build on the good timeline is going to set us up for "The Big Update". It means it's possibly going to be overall shorter so I can devote time to churning out the sprites I need. It also means I'm probably going to need to schedule actual streams on the server just to make sure we can smash though everything we need, but it'll get done. 

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