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Hey all,

And now after a bunch of super-soldier mega assassins that are considered the best of the best of the best and as individuals second only to legendary named figures from imperial history, some of which being these ultra-specialized super assassins themselves, but just, even more notable than their "vanilla" unnamed counterparts.

After those, we go allll the way back down to earth to mingle with the "normal" humans.

Normal being in quotations, because while in physical capability and looks they do look perfectly ordinary, the people of Krieg are far from normal, as you'll soon find out.

Krieg used to be a fairly typical imperial world, dutifully payed their imperial tithe to the Emperor on his throne on Holy Terra, who they worshiped as loyal citizens of the Imperium. And everything was beautiful and fine, mega cities that scraped the stratosphere hosting populations in the billions stood tall and proud, testaments to the Imperium's might and the God Emperor's supremacy. The seedy underworld of these cities, is to be ignored of course.

Then, rebellion. The planet fell into a brutal civil war as Chaos cults sprung up among the planet's populace. As the fighting grew ever more brutal and violent, spreading across the planet, eventually, it started looking like the loyalists would lose the fight. And so, the leaders of the planet did the unthinkable.

They glassed the entire planet themselves. If they couldn't have their world, if the Emperor couldn't have it, no one would.
The once (by WH40K standards) idyllic world turned into a barren, radioactive, toxic waste. A death world of their own making. Surviving on the surface was now nigh impossible, and so the people of Krieg, those that were left at least, retreated underground.

The fighting had gotten so fierce, and the actions taken to ensure the world didn't fall to the forces of Chaos so severe, the imperium actually thought the planet lost.

That was, until the planet of Krieg sent its yearly imperial tithe again as tribute to the throne, same as it had always done before the civil war. But not just that, they paid far more than they were owed.

And then they did it again, and again, and again.

The people underground, barely scraping together a living in their toxic death world, wanted to make amends for their failure to the God Emperor. Their civil war and betrayal against the Imperium, and their failure to stop it, a sin they all carried with them.

With most of the populace irradiated to the point of infertility or worse, they people of Krieg took to cloning to keep their population up underground. Stripped of all personality, ego and ambition, a Krieger exists only as a number on a spreadsheet, with but one purpose:

To die in service the God-Emperor of mankind. The only way to repay his kindness of allowing them to continue existing despite the grave sin against him they all carry with them. Only in death, can they atone.

Part of this Imperial tithe all planets must pay, are contingents of conscripts for the Imperial Guard. And Krieg's main export, is guardsmen (and women).
In battle, any guardsmen is expected to hold the line and die holding it, no matter the foe, no matter the odds. But none are so devout in this duty, as the Death Korps of Krieg. 

Fulfilling their duty with grim, silent determination, they dig trenches, hunker down, affix bayonets, and charge the cybernetically enhanced demon soldiers made of rape and pain. Emotionless bordering on the suicidal, they freak even the most hardened of Imperial guard soldier of any other regiment out as they dutifully fulfill any order without complaint or comment, their only response a stiff nod, salute, and a click of their boots as they tap their heels together at attention.

So devoted are they, that where in most IG forces it is a Commissar's job to keep the soldiers in line and make sure they fulfill their duty under pain of death, Commissars among the Death Korps of Krieg often feel almost useless, having to sometimes even perform the opposite of what they're used to do, try to convince these emotionless automatons of flesh and blood to retreat on occasion if such a move is strategically advantageous, because they certainly won't do it of their own accord, the Kriegers don't care, they will die for their Emperor.

This one has huge tits.

SoCarter out.



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