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Hey all,

So, finally we're here. The fifth, and final, caste of the T'au race. And also the rarest.

Ethereals are a mysterious caste, their origin shrouded in mystery. In the T'au's distant past, when they were confined to a single planet still, the Ethereals did not exist yet. Instead the T'au were in constant war and conflict with each other, stifling their own growth as an intelligent species as they spent more time infighting over anything else. Then, as if out of nowhere, these mysterious figures suddenly emerged, and where they went they united the T'au people. As if with the snap of a finger the T'au ceased their fighting, and under the new rule of the mysterious Ethereals, the modern T'au empire was born, spreading across the galaxy to take part in the galactic conflict that was just so, so very much worse in every imaginable way than any of their infighting used to be, hooray.

In their defense, they couldn't have known about the absolutely horrid state the larger galaxy was in before they got there to see it for themselves. At least they'd grown in power just enough to survive this larger conflict somewhat, and through some luck and dodging some of the most major threats, managed to grow out and spread further. The T'au, if memory serves me right, are now in their fourth sphere expansion, with sphere here being their empire of course, it's just what they call the thing they do every once in a while where they rapidly spread, discover, conquer, and take new worlds to fold into their empire. All with Ethereals at the helm, steering the T'au empire where they feel it needs to go.
Fourth of course means they've done it four times, because duh.

So in some ways this seems like a pretty good deal, those Ethereals, uniting the people, ensuring rapid advancement and progress, all that stuff.

So what's the catch?

Well, we don't really know, all we know is that once they appeared the T'au really did do a face heel turn as if under hypnosis, and there's several fan theories floating around about how the Ethereals seem to hold this supernatural sway over the other T'au castes.

It was they by the way, who introduced the caste system, of course ensuring their own fifth extra special caste remains on top, typical.

And that's the T'au, on the surface they appear the most "good" guy race in the entirety of Warhammer 40K, with some allusions to some shady shit going on with the Ethereals in the background.

I think it's the tits really, I mean look at those honkers, pwhoo-whee! "honk honk" amiright?
Makes ya wanna shove your face in there and awrlbwlblwblrlbwlrlbwlrlbwlrblwrb away between those puppies. Humena humena humena *whistles*

Some notes on this sketch:
The large, wide-brimmed hat thing is not usually worn by any T'au in any of the sets or art, but them being vaguely eastern-themed, in some fanart you can see them use the distinctive drone shape they got to use it like one of those asian rice farmer hat things and I've always liked the look, so wanted to include it.
The text meanwhile, is actual text, as it it says something coherent. I downloaded a T'au themed font. It spells "HUGE FUCKING TITTIES" on either sleeve and "TITFUCK QUEEN" across her chest. Because I thought it'd be funny.

Though if you thought we're done with the T'au now that all five castes are represented you'd be very wrong, I have plenty more sexy space blueberries to show off, and then there's their allied alien races they accepted into their empire as well... though those aren't sexy blueberries.

SoCarter out.



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