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Hey all,

So yeah, this turned out to be way more work than I initially thought, probably because half-way through the process I decided to make it twice as animated (heh), but I think it was definitely worth it.

If you haven't guessed it yet, this was the thing I put the second of the three big pieces for my comeback off for.

It may have gone quicker if I had decided to animate this beforehand, so I could prepare the pieces for movement and cut everything up into parts instead of doing it after and redrawing entire parts of the original while adjusting and touching up every frame by hand. But I hadn't, it came to me on a whim really. And since I want to take things slow now for the moment and go where my whims and desires take me I decided to just go for it and see what I could do.

This is animated on 1's by the way, unlike the previous "animation" of the lifeguard I did months before, that was really mostly just playing the separate versions of that piece in sequence while isolating specific parts to get the timing right. Not this time, this is a top to bottom rework of every piece, cut up and pieced back together to make a static image animated. So... you know... takes effort and stuff.

So much effort, I'm not sure if and when I'll do something like this again, but I would probably pull out two weeks for it next time, should next time ever come.

On that note, the next piece would be easier to animate though... A lot less... moving parts. most complicated thing would be the fluids probably.

And on THAT note, this week, because 'tis becoming the season again, for those who've been here for a while, you know that means it's time for the annual birthday bonanza we enjoy in our family with lots of peeps having their birthday around this time of year.

Starting with this weekend. So the second piece may well be late and not be ready by Sunday depending on how the weekend goes and for how long I stay over at my family. Just to warn you guys ahead of time.

Anyhow, the other things should all arrive on time, so there's always that to look forward to. And if I really encounter some time constraints, I might make it up for you with an rqr this weekend instead, but only future me knows about that, current me doesn't yet.

SoCarter out.



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