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Hey all,

Just what it says on the tin, today's sexy alien chick entry involves a space elf.

Of course, even if you haven't seen anything from Star Trek you are still likely familiar with the Vulcans, their greeting hand sign in particular. Even if you may hilariously give the "live long and prosper" greeting upon hearing the words Star Wars by mistake.

In the defence of those ignorant of the two franchises, they do sound kind of similar.

But anyway with this one, as the title says, we introduce another sub-category of the basically human Aliens: The space elf. And what better example of one than the Vulcans?

They're basically humans with pointy ears, like elves, generally more physically able than humans, like elves, longer lived than humans, just like elves, AND form an advanced civilization that's older than our human one, yet again, much like elves do commonly in fantasy.

Space elves.

And if you're wondering, yes I did intentionally avoid drawing the hand sign on her, doing that would be a bit too on the nose for my liking ;)

SoCarter out.



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