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Succubi are oft seen as a type of demon among several, demons that prey on the weaknesses of men and steal their lifeforce. And while that is definitely what succubi do, it does not make them distinct entities from other demons. All demons can be succubi, it simply depends on what form they choose to take when they are summoned into realspace and they have to construct bodies for themselves out of magic to interact with it, and the methods they choose to use to draw more magic into themselves.

For demons cannot make their own magic, yet their magical bodies need it to sustain themselves.

As explained before it's quite a feat in itself for a demonic entity to, when it takes shape, take the form of something that isn't utterly revolting/monstrous/incomprehensible. Because much as the immaterial world is entirely alien to us and outright impossible to comprehend, so is our material world alien to the demon.

And a Demon that can take a pleasant form to us shows a profound level of understanding of our world, even if some of the more "subtle intricacies" such as death by rape not being appreciated by most people are lost on them.

As such the succubus shown before shows a rather simplistic view of humanity, her female form she picked was basically what we look like, and she quite simply exaggerated the features that seemed to be appreciated by most victims. She could tell by the amount of "magic" they let out as they copulated. This one over here however, shows a more sophisticated view of sexuality and attraction. She has, instead of trying to draw in as many people as possible and as her smaller appearance shows, elected to prey on specific people. Sure she doesn't draw as many people at her as her more inexperienced "colleague" would, but the ones that she does get give her far more bang for her buck in return.

Though she still couldn't quite figure out the right skin tone, nor could she say goodbye to the horns, wings, and tail.

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...Knight Sophia and her charge reluctantly agree, they have to travel in that direction anyway, and insisting they want to go off road would be a puzzling and quite dangerous choice to anyone else.

This also unfortunately means there is not much opportunity for the prince to "unwind" with this much extra company present, sneaking off together to take "breaks" would also come off as strange. And though the pair have let go of a number of their past views and values to enjoy each other's bodies together (thanks to some of the similarly sexually enhanced ladies in the town), neither is quite ready to announce to the wide world they are "degenerates" and enjoy copulating purely for pleasure multiple times a day, quite loudly and vigorously.

And so what was to be smooth sailing to the capital with the two of them blissfully partaking in the pleasures of the flesh when they so wished turned into a rather boring slog. For the prince especially, still burdened by his magic induced lust, a bit of a torturous one.

He relieved himself when he could, and though it wasn't nearly as often as on the way to town thanks to the additional steed, it was still often enough to raise eyebrows.

A pair of brown ones belonging to a certain young lady in particular...

Hey all,

Yes as you can see this is quite a bit late, I can sit here and make excuses at you but the truth of the matter is that I was being lazy again, and spent a lot of time figuring out where to take the story, what characters to introduce and when.

A bit too long for my taste, but fortunately these are so easy to produce playing catchup will be a breeze. Expect more soon.

SoCarter out.



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