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Hey all,

Ah, Predator, pure testosterone-fueled action/horror, another classic, and another franchise so successful Hollywood cannot help themselves but churn out increasingly shitty sequels for it.

I would put in a little rant here about The utter travesty that was 'The Predator' but I fear once I do that I'll never quit and we'll be here a while.


Ok maybe a little rant.

Who the FUCK gave the ok to the "the predators have been coming to earth all along because they want to steal our autism" horseshit?

Phew, now I've got that out let's continue.

So this one's had to be a bit different from the others, because Predators are... quite textured. They got the whole scales business going on, and then their skin is mottled tans, brown, and greens. So one flat colour just wouldn't cut it. I think the minimal texturing still makes it fit in with the rest.

Predators, also known as Yautja, are also different from all the others alien chicks that have come before because they are outright known as "ugly motherfuckers". Making them quite the challenge to turn appealing. I'm not sure what category they would fall in, and spent a while debating with myself where I should group them in. But I think I feel comfortable introducing another category for it, the monstrous... or perhaps we should call it monster-girl for this lewdification of them.

Any of you familiar with monstergirls?

I hope I've succeeded in making that mandibled monster visage at least somewhat palatable. The body is easier, she may be rough to the touch in places, but that's nothing a great big pair of swinging titties can't fix. And I don't even have to make stuff up myself for that part, because girl predators do exist, and they do have breasts. How convenient for me.

SoCarter out.




You did a good job making the face less... you know. Though the scalp is still very balding-ish. But I kind of like it. Especially the spots all over.