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Hey all,

With 10 fantasy character profiles out I think now's as good a time as any to introduce another, similarly styled series of quick sketches I can put out. Because eventually, I will run out of fantasy races/classes/varieties to draw. But there's a whole other world of exotic beauties to explore.

There are in fact, uncountable many worlds to explore while looking for curvy chicks.

Hence this new series.

Much like the fantasy ones these'll remain simple pen and paper sketches quickly touched up in photoshop and coloured, so I can put them out regularly.

UNLIKE the fantasy series I don't have any lore or story to go with them, but instead we'll have a look at the various alien lasses prevalent throughout pop-culture, from movies to games and beyond.

They will also all be buck-ass nude.

And what better way to start of this series than with the most quintessential of aliens of all: the humble grey.

Who hasn't heard of or seen the grey pop up in media? With their flying saucers, large black emotionless eyes, freaky thin limbs, and a penchant for exploring our butts and bums practically everyone knows of the grey. In fact ask the right people and they'll insist they've encountered one, know someone who has, or that the USA has a couple on cold-storage for study in area 51.

They've also been lewded applenty, their ehm.. peculiar fixation on a certain body cavity makes for an easy transfer into the lewd and sexual. And I of course couldn't resist giving my rendition a pair of stonkin' huge wobbly hangers.

SoCarter out and with luck I'll have a proper big upload done today, if not, it's coming tomorrow.




I admit, I'll miss the ongoing story of the knight and the prince... but it's not a bad picture, and I don't mind it.