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...Though they reached town, it took them an entire day and then some to get there. For the moment, the pair decided to get some proper rest on real beds in the local inn. Clearing the woods that has been marked by the prince's seed time and time again on their journey, they arrive on a more open, well travelled road. The wide, slightly muddy path leads through the town, connecting two larger cities together and various trails leading to it, oft used by local farmers, the landscape changing from woods, to bushes and shrubs, to windswept fields, and well-kept pastures until finally the outermost houses of the small settlement were reached.

It's well dark when the pair reach the inn. And though they have the money for separate rooms, all but one are taken already, by a local farmer travelling through on his way to deliver produce to the bigger cities and his family.

The pair look nervously at each other, after last night they've shared a lot of skinship together, with excessively messy results. But that was in the wilds, no clean-up required. Could they chance it here?

It's knight Sophia who eventually makes the decision for them, and she wants a bed.

It was inevitable that the prince would need her help, both of them expected it.

"Don't worry about the mess my prince, just use me to sate your lust, I'll handle the rest"

She told him, disrobing again as she climbed on top of the bed. The prince quickly following, already hard as a rock. She wrapped her massive breasts around his shaft and allowed him access to her mouth again. The bed shook as he thrusted as hard as he dared, the pair freezing whenever he grew too excited and the bed thumped up against the wall.

Sophia felt her loins heat up again, her most precious place dampening as the hung prince used her body. Despite climaxing throughout the day, it didn't take long for the prince to reach another, Sophia reached down between her legs as the prince shook, grunted, and spasmed on top of her. She drank it all, every last thick drop he produced, her cheeks bulged with the torrent, and she could feel it trickle out her nose and the corners of her mouth while she struggled to keep up. But those dribbles landed on her scarlet hair. And nothing was spilled on the bed as her fingers feverishly dipped in and out of her tender, wet folds.

The prince could not believe his eyes, as his saviour knight drank all of his seed they nearly bulged out of their sockets while he stared transfixed at the blushing redhead staring up at him with those green eyes of hers. Swallowing and swallowing, unbeknown to him getting her own rocks off just behind him as he sat on her abdomen.

The next day came, this time with no prince humping her backside to wake her. He was adamant on not bothering his knight too often today.

They went on their day, making the various purchases required, until it became time to buy what they set out to get from the town; a horse for the prince to ride, so they could be separated and he would not be constantly stimulated.

When they stepped inside of the building, they for a split second believed a pair of breasts came to greet them, but blinking, it became quickly evident there was an actual person attached to the heaving mammaries. The older woman had black hair, and only just started greying, the only real giveaway of her age, because the entire rest of her was as enticing and alluring as any girl or woman in their prime.

This did far from help the prince's predicament.

As it turned out, it had been a bad year for the stable keeper, barely any foals, and all she did have had already been sold prior in the year. All that were left where her prized breeding mares and stallions, and she wasn't keen on parting with them, even for ludicrous amounts of money. She could easily make 10 times their worth in later years by selling their offspring.

Did I ever mentioned that the prince was unnaturally, monstrously, hung?

He was quickly sporting a massive tent. One hard to overlook.

And the stable lady, of course, did notice. But far from disgusted, shy, or intimidated, the mature lady seemed curious, intrigued even...

Hey all,

Yeah so no lore for this one, we've already been over this town in a prior post, so just enjoy this extra long story bit ;)

SoCarter out.




...On the one hand, I didn't mind the prince X knight slow-paced growing romance. On the other hand, yeah, been sorta waiting for all the other very p*rny ladies to show up, including the village girl you telegraphed a ways back. So, it begins.


Some are quite near, some might take a while and for others I haven't yet figured out how I'm going to fold them into that little smutty story ;)