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...With a red face knight Sophia returns to camp, trying to put what she saw out of her mind as she busies herself setting up and getting a meal going for the two of them. No longer needing her armour, she dresses down to her tunic and pants, keeping her bodice on to help support her huge weighty breasts, and looks over to their one lone tent.

Realization starts to set in that they will have to share it. Her, the prince, and his... you know.

She had been teasing the prince about having a small bladder for having to take such frequent "pee" brakes, but now as he returned again the young busty redhead merely welcomed him and focused down on her task, averting her eyes. The prince meanwhile is having trouble keeping his eyes off his saviour, her armour didn't leave much to the imagination to begin with, and now she's wearing even less. As they eat, rest up, and clean themselves and their gear, he finds himself having to dart back quite frequently to the river to "unload"

'At least he has the decency and strength of will to keep his magical sex problems private...'

Sophia thought to herself, a nagging voice in the back of her head telling her that she IS curious what it'd be like to be with something... that huge... much to her own shame.

And with the setting sun the pair head off to the tent, both nervous about sleeping with the other for the same reason, and both unwilling to tell them about it...

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -   

The river flowing past the keep the pair is camping at, the one saturated with lusty magics, flows further inland, joined by several more streams coming from the mountains in the far distance, the magical concoction contaminating it getting diluted further and further with distance, but never truly disappearing.

The nearest village, about a day's ride away from the keep on horseback, has been subjected to much of the same magics as the nearby orc tribes, though being a day away from ground zero to a lesser extend.

Still noticeable however, clearly evident by the young daughters of the people there developing at alarming rates, while the older villagers suddenly and without explanation (to their knowledge), enjoy very, very late growth spurts.

This prime young lass for example has barely come of age, yet has already been sporting two hefty milktanks for years now. One of the town most coveted beauties, she's had to turn down many suitors. The eager young men of the small settlements, bolstered by the very same magics, vying for her hand in marriage. But as far as her father is concerned, it'd take a prince before he lets anyone put their hands on HIS daughter.

Oh well, he's just glad the Orcs and Goblins aren't raiding nearly as often as they used to.

Hey all,

Here we are again, another day another upload, I must say, these sure are a lot of fun, for me at least ;)

SoCarter out.



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