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Yes people, you read that right, I'm finally back. And boy do I got stories to tell.

All in due time though, all in due time.

First off let's open with an apology, for me dissapearing again without warning.

I'm sorry.

See what happened was that my worst fear became reality, my backup pc died before my actual pc had been fixed. I did warn you guy about that maybe happening right? Because it did.

LUCKILY I still have all my files. And after a couple weeks of fretting and sitting on my ass waiting for other people who know far more about computers than me to solve my shit, I now have a SECOND backup pc to use temporarely. Phew.

But I'd be lying if I said that was the only reason. Truth is I had myself a little panic. Because I was almost immediatly, after a little bit over two weeks of steady uploads, falling behind again despite my best efforts. And what I usualy do when I panic is I shut up,  tuck tail, run and hide.

So far it's never helped solve any of my problems, but I can't seem to stop doing it.

So the drawings I was working on were delayed as I wrestled with my own ineptitude. After getting my shit together again was of course when disaster struck, and the backup pc died, elongating the pause.

I'll spare you all of the details of what happened in between, but suffice to say the sudden (forced) move, losing a ton of money, and the troubles with my pc and my own brain left me in a bit of a bad place. Truth be told I wasn't doing too swell.

But as I said, I'll spare you the details, and I don't want to turn this into a pity-party for myself.

And now the only thing left to do is give you guys and gals a little sneak peak of that big project that was supposed to drop weeks ago! That I wasn't able to work on for a good long while because of aforementioned pc issues.

I've got more plans for the future, but I'll share those once this thing is finished (finally)

SoCarter out and thanks for sticking with me despite me being a huge fukken loser ;p



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