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Hey all,

Second upload after the hiatus, right on time. Damn it feels good to be on top of these things again.

Well, for now anyway. Frankenstein pc is still firmly in "might go boom" territory.

And no, that is NOT just another convenient excuse for me, as much as I'd like it to be.

But so long as it holds together we're all good.



So here's another digiwoman. And for this one I decided to try something new, something to drastically speed up the lining process. I have decided to try and learn the pen tool. I think on closer inspection you can quite easily make out which lines are pen tool and which are just my regular linework. Because I'm still gonna do both. I like drawing the classic way way too much to give up on that. Also tiny details and minute adjustments are just easier with a brush as well.

But the pen tool really does make everything go faster. Which is really good for those thin lines I wanna be working with. Way better than begrudgingly going back to the old thick lines because I can't meet deadlines.

It does run the risk of making things look static and artificial, like for other artists who heavily use the pen tool for their linework you can sometimes tell as the perfect even-nes makes it loose some of the implied motion. Implied motion because images don't move so there's no actual motion, we're not in harry potter world.

Well, gifs do exist...

Anyway, finally another girl with reasonably sized tits, it feels like it's been a while since I've drawn one of those.

It's another more popular digi-babe, but popular digi-babe is still better than no digi-babe so I think we're all winners here.

She still looks hot, no?

We also welcome TWO(2) (!) whole new patrons today. I know, two! Whole complete ones, they come with money and everything! Super convenient.

Thanks you guys, I really appreciate it and I hope you enjoy your stay. ;)

SoCarter out.



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