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Hey all,

So that title is apt in more ways than one, first, it has been a few weeks since I hit 1000 on twitter, and second, this is way goddamn late.

I'm sure you all noticed things have been arriving later since a couple weeks now. And I am at a bit of an impasse. On one hand I'm preeeeety sure it's the thin lines that are putting a huge damper on my output, they take up exponentially longer to finish than the way I used to do things.

And I should know, I'm the one drawing them.

But on the other I'm really liking the nice clean look of these lines, and kiiiiinda also don't wanna go back. But I fear I'm going to have to. Because I can't keep this up without sacrificing huge portions of my free time. Or, as you well noticed, without reducing output.

See I was PLANNING on releasing this on Sunday, in the place of the weekly request. And I was like "Oh hey, let's just get these here lines done and then it's on to colouring and shading for Sunday". Oh how wrong I was. One girl might take a lot longer to do now, but three? With different options for each? All completely separated from each other?

 No way José.

I mean it may just be that it was this huge things specifically that delayed me so much, and it'll be doable after all, I think only time will tell.

But in the meantime here it is, it's going to be taking up both the Sunday and Digimon slot for this week, and we'll see what I do about the random quick requests later. Imma go give my wrist a rest now (Actually didn't do much today the lines were done on Monday so my wrist is fine I'm just being dramatic).

NOW ONTO THE ACTUAL PIECE, in the ( very short) twitter thread where people could leave their suggestions there were a bunch of ideas, and I couldn't really pick. So I decided to pick features from a couple and marry 'em together into one big drawing. The plan being that the "celebrations" will continue when the next milestone is reached.

Now why twitter milestones? Because I feel I get the most engagement there. It's certainly the place where I get the most views. And if I were to do milestones for all the other places and I'll pretty much be drawing nothing but milestone celebrations so keeping it there for now.

As for who I picked to join lil' miss redhead ... I'm sure there's some familiar faces to you. But all of them represent people who've been major contributors in one way or another.

That goes for the penises too, for those with a keen eye their skin tone will betray who they are supposed to represent.

And in hindsight it was a VERY good decision of me not to include the men completely, with two more characters there this likely wouldn't be done by today.

Now only one question remains; which of these lovely ladies has the biggest tits?

Phew, lots to talk about.

SoCarter out.



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