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Hey all,

Look, it's Rosemon's lesser known cousin, Lotusmon, she digivolves from Lilimon's lesser known cousin, Lilamon.

She didn't have a convenient palette swap form but I made do with some nice bulge option, because instead of posing all pretty-like like her better known cousin SHE is getting fucked.

Some hard, raw dickings to boot, look at her go!

And her tits too, they're all over the place! As you can see I decided to experiment with motion a bit again.

So this the second week of being late for the Wednesday upload, you'd think with the corona business going on I'd have loads of spare time, but I guess not. My real job is still trucking along. Though it does almost feel inevitable the ol' government is gonna go all "no" on that stuff real soon, I guess we'll see.

Doesn't change the fact though that I'm late again with no excuse. And I haven't even done any random quick requests either. For shame SoCarter, for shame.

I just need to find some time to squeeze those in there, and at the very least this one isn't two days late like with the last one, so improvements have been made.

And lastly we welcome another Patron! Welcome, and I hope you enjoy your stay~

SoCarter out.



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