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Hey all,

Sorry for being late, it might be a tad worrying to get radio silence from someone in the middle of our... current predicament.

Rest assured that I am fine, and it may be a bit strange to worry about some rando porn artist so maybe I'm talking about this for no reason, but if you were worried... no need to, I'm just an idiot.

A lazy idiot.

Yeah so I've got no excuse for being late this time, pc? perfectly cooporative. 

Spare time? plenty of it.

Hotel? Trivago.

I was being lazy and started late, And also decided to try doing some thinner lines for a change to see what it'd look like. The problem was that I picked a mon that required a lot of gently curved, almost perpendicular, perfectly mirrored lines.

Which took up a ton of time, time I didn't have because I was being lazy.

So yeah sorry, here's Junomon. She's a bit late. But I hope what's she's about to do to that digi-shlong will make up for it.

As a result I'm not sure If the random requests will be on time this week, if they aren't I guess we're back to playing catch up. Just as I managed to catch up. Hooray.

Dummy dum dum SoCarter out.



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