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Hey all,

So after a busy holiday period and a somehow almost-as-busy post-holiday period, followed by a surprise short vacation I suddenly find myself with a surplus of time out of the blue. Strange how these things work out huh?

I might even be able to catch up on my random quick requests in a single week.

Might, I make no promises. I could also take this time to hang back and relax.

We'll see.

But speaking off random requests, here's one. Maleficent, we all know her, we all eh... SOME of us love her. But I'm betting that having her like this swings the pendulum over to the 'love' side of things for most anyway.

Chernabog is a bit less well known. He's the big mountain demon dude from the original fantasia. And you can fight him as a boss in Kingdom Hearts.

Wish he'd make a reappearance in there.

Also wish there'd be coliseum tournament where you can fight all the titans one-on-one sepperatly, as well as cerberus, the hydra, and the cyclops but let's not go there we'll be here a while if I start talking about the KH series.

So yeah, enjoy it. Really feel I'm starting to get into the groove with these new brushes now.

SoCarter out.



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