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Hey all,

So I'm back from my little vacation, as you may know if you follow me on twitter. (Because twitter is much handier in just leaving quick messages for announcements and stuff like that).

I'm a liiiiitle late with picking up where I left off, but right after arriving home I fell ill and couldn't get anything done over the weekend. Looks like all that sightseeing did a number on me.

But anyway here we are, back at it again with another Digimon gal, or digiwomen as I like to call them. It's another recent-ish Digimon, Ladydevimon X-antibody, to go along with my Angewomon one. And for this one I decided to experiment a bit and try some of those fancy professional (read:free) artist brushes for photoshop.

Not entirely sure if I like the shading or if I should just do some more to get the hang of things. Lining was definitely less of a chore and felt more like traditional drawing, which I do prefer, but isn't entirely conducive to the quick and simple style I'm going for in my porn by itself. But tell me what you think.

If you feel like it.

So yeah, here she is, fawning over another big ol' donkey dick like her regular counterpart. I sense a repeat of the previous ladydevimon actions for that lucky sausage.

SoCarter out.



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